Evaluating Your Spiritual Life

Title: Evaluating Your Spiritual Life : Five Critical Questions.

Text: Philippians 3:17-4:1

  1. Who are you watching? (Verse 17; 4:9)

    • A Personal example. “Live like I live” (2:2-3;2:14-18)

    • Why follow Paul? (1Cor.4:16;I Cor. 11:1)

    • Who else should you follow?(v.17; 2:19-21)

  2. Who Is Watching You? (1 Pet. 5:3)

  3. What are your worshiping? (Verses 18-19; Col. 3:1-10)

  4. Who are you waiting for? (Verses 20-21)

  5. How are your standing? (Verse 4:1)

    • Stand together.

    • Stand in love.

    • Stand Firm.

Tim Lewis

Tim has served as the senior pastor of Bethel for over 30 years. He is passionate about preaching the Gospel and loves this church dearly. Tim and his wife Cristie have four adult children and many grandchildren.


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